Chemical Dependency Counseling: A Practical Guide, 6th Edition


  • By: Perkinson, Robert R.
  • 6th Edition | 2021 | Paperback
  • ISBN is 9781544362359 / 1544362358
  • Publisher: SAGE Publications

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Chemical Dependency Counseling: A Practical Guide, 6th Edition provides the student a detailed overview of counseling concepts, including the first hours of treatment, biopsychosocial interview, treatment plan, and group therapy, among others. This textbook is direct and concise with systematic content designed to engage today’s student through visually engaging content. There is a wide variety of assignment types that help students master counseling concepts and build real-world working capability. Chemical Dependency Counseling: A Practical Guide, 6th Edition goes into drugs of abuse, recovery skills, special problems, adolescent treatment, and the family program. A chapter is broken down into discharge summary and continuing care. Buy Chemical Dependency Counseling: A Practical Guide, 6th Edition and be confident in your counseling education and career.

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