Counseling Research: Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Methods (Merrill Counseling), 2nd Edition


  • By: Sheperis, Carl; Young, J.; Daniels, M.
  • 2nd Edition | 2016 | Hardcover
  • ISBN is 9780134025094 / 0134025091
  • Publisher: Pearson

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Note: This is the bound book only and does not include access to MyEducationLab® with Pearson eText. To order MyEducationLab® with Pearson eText packaged with the bound book, use ISBN 0134442547. Concise and lucid writing made this book in its first edition the leading research methods text written specifically for counselors. The text introduces reader to the basics of how to do research–from formulating a problem, doing a literature review, selecting a design, collecting and analyzing data, through reporting results. It also provides readers with the information they need to become intelligent consumers of published research. Covering a broad range of quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods designs, as well as action research and program evaluation, the text presents the most common types of research used in the field of counseling.

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