Cases and Materials on Torts, 5th Edition (American Casebook Series)


  • By: Robertson, David; Powers Jr., William; et al
  • 5th Edition | 2017 | Hardcover
  • ISBN is 9781634608671 / 1634608674
  • Publisher: West Academic Publishing

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The casebook, which is organized along traditional doctrinal lines, teaches students how tort law works to resolve disputes in the real world of litigation and settlement negotiations. A teacher can start with intentional torts or with negligence. The first chapter is an overview of trial court procedure in tort cases; the second is a concise treatment of intentional torts and defenses; and the third introduces negligence law with a streamlined treatment of the core breach-of-duty/substandard conduct concept. Subsequent chapters treat the remainder of the prima facie case in negligence, the principal defenses to negligence liability, and some of the basic concepts entailed in multiparty litigation. The book’s concluding chapters are basic coverage of medical malpractice, common law strict liability, products liability, and nuisance.

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