Disability Law: Cases, Materials, Problems, 6th Edition


  • By: Hibbeler, Russell
  • 10th Edition | 2016 | Loose Leaf
  • ISBN is 9781531002893 / 1531002897
  • Publisher: Carolina Academic Press

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Disability Law: Cases, Materials, Problems, 6th Edition provides the student a detailed overview of disability law concepts, including who is protected under disability laws, history of the ADA amendments act of 2008, defining disability using statutory definitions and judicial interpretations, exemptions for stated conditions, employment, applicability of Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Rehabilitation Act, what constitutes discrimination, qualifications, reasonable accommodation and undue hardship, and public accommodations, among others. This textbook is direct and concise with systematic content designed to engage today’s student through visually engaging content. There is a wide variety of assignment types that help students master disability law concepts & build real-world working capability. Disability Law: Cases, Materials, Problems, 6th Edition goes into architectural barriers, exemptions from the ADA and special situations, governmental services and programs, higher education, nondiscrimination in higher education, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, housing and independent living, lease restrictive environment and independent living, and structural barriers. A chapter is broken down into health care and insurance. Buy the textbook Disability Law: Cases, Materials, Problems, 6th Edition and be confident in your disability law education and career.

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