LPN Notes: Nurse’s Clinical Pocket Guide, 4th Edition


  • By: Myers RN BSN, Ehren
  • 4th Edition | 2016 | Spiral-bound
  • ISBN is 9780803657960 / 080365796X
  • Publisher: F A Davis Co

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Procedures Tab presents the common skills, procedures and equipment, required to perform routine nursing tasks. Assess Tab provides comprehensive, system-specific information, including the skills, procedures, and tools necessary to perform an assessment on an adult patient. Disease/Patient Education Tab covers the most common diseases and disorders, homecare, safe medication administration practices, and safety as well as common patient education issues. Med-Surg & Emergency Tab presents 20 of the most commonly encountered symptoms and scenarios. Geri/Ob/Peds Tab now features geriatric assessment tips for 6 common marker conditions (SPICES) that could indicate increased risk for functional decline or even death. Life Span Tab combines geriatrics, obstetrics, and pediatrics to focus on life span considerations. Tools Tab includes a Spanish translator with phonetic pronunciations.

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