Family Law [Connected Casebook] (Aspen Casebook), 6th Edition


  • By: Leslie Joan Harris; June R. Carbone; et al
  • 6th Edition | 2018 | Hardcover
  • ISBN is 9781454887782 / 1454887788
  • Publisher: Wolters Kluwer

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Family Law, Sixth Edition is a modern and teachable casebook, offering comprehensive coverage and a mix of interdisciplinary materials. It compares innovative developments in some states with the reaffirmation of traditional principles in others, and does so in the context of a wider focus on family and the state, the role of mediating institutions, and the efficacy of law and particular methods of enforcing the law. The casebook deals with the complexity of family law both in the organization of the chapters separate units on family contracts, jurisdiction, and practice, for example, can be shortened, skipped, or taught in almost any order and the diversity of material within each chapter. Each unit combines primary cases with comprehensive notes, supplemented with academic and policy analyses that provide a foundation for evaluation. Detailed problems extend the coverage or apply the commentary to real world examples.

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