Contracts: Cases and Doctrine [Connected Casebook], 6th Edition


  • By: Randy E. Barnett; Nathan B. Oman
  • 6th Edition | 2016 | Hardcover
  • ISBN is 9781454871033 / 1454871032
  • Publisher: Wolters Kluwer

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Contracts: Cases and Doctrine, Sixth Edition, features a mix of lightly-edited classic and contemporary cases that stresses current contract doctrine along with the essential lawyering skill of case analysis how to sift through the facts of the case to discern the prevailing rules and theory. Randy Barnett and Nate Oman s innovative text introduces each case and provides the historical background of the iconic cases that make the study of contract law engaging. Study Guide questions help students identify salient issues as they read each case. Judicial biographies of each judge provides additional context.

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