California Criminal Law: Cases, Problems, and Materials (American Casebook Series)


By: Myers, John
3rd Edition | 2019 | Paperback
ISBN is 9781642428940 / 1642428949
Publisher: West Academic Publishing

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California Criminal Law, 3rd Ed. is a comprehensive casebook on California criminal law. This casebook is for professors who emphasize case analysis and black letter law over legal theory. Thus, the book is practical and practice-focused. The book includes many cases to help first year students master the art of case briefing. As well, the book has many problems that challenge students to apply the law. The problems are well suited for class discussion. Most students appreciate the focus on California law. The book prepares students for internships in DA and PD offices. The book is designed to prepare students for criminal law questions on the bar exam. Although the emphasis is California law, the book prepares students for the multistate bar examination by covering the principles of criminal law tested on the multistate exam. Thus, the book prepares students for the bar in other states. Because California is not a Model Penal Code state, and because the MPC is not tested on the bar, the book places less emphasis than many casebooks on the MPC. For a number of topics, the book compares the MPC approach to California law.

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