Atlas of Nerve Conduction Studies and Electromyography


Atlas of Nerve Conduction Studies and Electromyography
By: Leis, A. Arturo; Schenk, Michael P.

2nd Edition | 2013 | Hardcover

9780199754632 / 0199754632

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Building on the success of the landmark Atlas of Electromyography, this new text is divided into sections based on the major peripheral nerves. It contains detailed illustrations of each nerve along with a discussion of its anatomy, followed by a thorough outline of the clinical conditions and entrapment syndromes that affect the nerve, including a list of the etiologies, clinical features, and electrodiagnostic strategies used for each syndrome. Routine and special motor and sensory nerve conduction studies are shown in an anatomical illustration. In addition, each muscle supplied by the peripheral nerve is illustrated showing the root, plexus, and peripheral nerve supply to the muscle and is accompanied by a corresponding human photograph. Written text provides information about the nerve conduction studies, muscle origin, tendon insertion, voluntary activation maneuver, and the site of optimum needle insertion, which is identified in the figures by a black dot or a needle electrode.

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