Administrative Law and Regulatory Policy: Problems, Text, and Cases, 8th Edition


  • By: Stephen G Breyer; Richard B. Stewart; Cass R. Sunstein; et al
  • 8th Edition | 2017 | Hardcover
  • ISBN is 9781454857914 / 1454857919
  • Publisher: Wolters Kluwer

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Administrative Law and Regulatory Policy: Problems, Text, and Cases, 8th Edition, provides the student a detailed overview of administrative law concepts, including what administrative law is, regulatory tools, the Constitutional position of the administrative agency, the scope of judicial review, what a question of law is, procedural requirements in agency decisionmaking using rulemaking and adjudication, the regulatory context, determining what due process is, and public disclosure of agency information and decisionmaking, among others. This textbook is direct and concise with systematic content designed to engage today’s student through visually engaging content. There is a wide variety of assignment types that help students master administrative law concepts & build real-world working capability. Administrative Law and Regulatory Policy: Problems, Text, and Cases goes into agency decisionmaking structure, the availability of timing and judicial review, standing to secure judicial review, the relationship between preenforcement and postenforcement judicial review, and separation of functions in rulemaking. A chapter is broken down into clarity, consistency, and fairness. Buy the textbook Administrative Law and Regulatory Policy: Problems, Text, and Cases, 8th Edition and be confident in your administrative law education and career.

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