A Student’s Guide to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, 2020-2021 (Selected Statutes)


  • By: Baicker-McKee, Steven F.; Janssen, William M.
  • 2020th Edition | 2020 | Paperback
  • ISBN is 9781684676958 / 1684676959
  • Publisher: West Academic Publishing

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A Student’s Guide is a unique supplemental resource for students studying Civil Procedure that combines the text of the rules with clear and accessible commentary that, in addition to explaining how each rule works, also places each rule in the broader context of the civil litigation process and explains how the rule works in practice. The authors recently completed a multi-year, top-to-bottom revision of this popular student resource, revising and enhancing commentary to add new features and student-friendly explanations of the important concepts and terminology that are second-nature to experienced lawyers but bewildering to beginning law students, making A Student’s Guide a perfectly calibrated resource. The 2020-2021 edition of A Student’s Guide contains: the text of each federal Rule; followed by a “How This Rule Fits In” feature to orient students to the role each Rule plays in federal civil practice and a “The Architecture of this Rule” feature to help students unpack those Rules that are dense and lengthy; and concluding each Rule discussion with a “How this Rule Works in Practice” section, to demonstrate each Rule’s litigation function and nuances, subpart by subpart. Enhancing this Rule-by-Rule guidance, this edition of A Student’s Guide also contains: (1) a “Getting Started” overview of important concepts in federal civil practice (personal and subject-matter jurisdiction, removal, venue, forum non conveniens, Erie, and claim/issue preclusion); (2) selected portions of the U.S. Judiciary Code; (3) the MDL statute and a brief orientation to MDL practice; (4) a concise overview of federal appeals; and (5) the text of the U.S. Constitution. Updated to include the December 1, 2020 amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and selected statutory provisions current through April 1, 2020.

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