Sell Loose Leaf Textbooks

A loose-leaf textbook is a convenient alternative, plus they usually cost less than a hardcover or softcover textbook. However, not a lot of bookstores will buy a loose leaf textbook back at the end of the semester. If you want to sell your loose leaf textbooks, sell them back to Mybookcart for fast cash. Mybookcart will buy your loose leaf textbooks.
Ready to sell your loose leaf textbooks? Click Sell My Books.
The important thing to remember when you sell your loose leaf textbooks is that you want to make sure to use the correct ISBN number on your book. For loose leaf books, you want to use the ISBN on the front or back cover of the book located above the barcode. Please do not use the ISBN on the copyright page, as it may not be the right ISBN for the loose leaf version. A lot of times, publishers will put the hardcover or paperback ISBN on the copyright page, but then put a different ISBN on the front or back cover for the loose leaf. So, please don’t use the ISBN on the copyright page, as it might not be the correct one for your loose leaf book. And good news, you don’t need to include the binder! Take the loose leaf pages out of the binder, and secure them with rubber bands, large clips, or even wrap them in saran wrap. Once we receive your loose leaf book, we will send you an update notification, and once the book is processed, we’ll send payment. It’s that easy. Sell your loose leaf textbooks today!
Important Tips When Selling Back Your Loose Leaf Textbooks:
- Use the correct ISBN that is located on the back or front cover above the barcode
- Do not use the ISBN that is on the copyright page
- Make sure all pages are included with your book
- Remove the pages from your binder and secure with a rubber band, saran wrap, or another method to keep the pages together during shipping
- Use the free, pre-paid shipping label to mail in your textbooks
- Get Paid!