Sell International Edition Textbooks
Sell back international editions online. Type in the ISBN number to receive an instant buyback offer for your international edition textbook. Return shipping is free and payment is fast by check or PayPal. Sell your international edition textbooks today!

What Is An ISBN Number?
When selling back your books, we ask that you enter the ISBN number. An ISBN is a 10 or 13 digit number that can be found on the back cover above the barcode on most books. An ISBN will also be located on the book's copyright page. You can enter the ISBN with or without dashes, and don't leave off the leading zeros. Sometimes an ISBN can end with an X. Mybookcart will accept either the 10-digit or the 13-digit ISBN.
International edition textbooks are a cheaper version of the US student edition, but that doesn’t mean you can’t sell an international edition back for cash. Sell your international editions to Mybookcart. We have excellent customer service, and we send updates at each step of the process. We’ll send an email update when we receive your books and when payment is made. Sell your textbooks to Mybookcart today!

What are International Edition textbooks?
International Edition textbooks are low cost versions of the US student edition, and they are printed by the publishers to be sold to students in countries other than the US. They are usually in a Paperback format, and the page and print quality may be lower than the US student edition. You might notice that the pictures in an International Edition textbook are in black & white (but not always), and the pictures in the US student edition are in color. However, the content is practically the same. You may notice that the measurements are in metric, but all science textbooks use metric for their measurements anyway. If you are looking to save money on your textbooks, then buying an International Edition might be for you!
Is it legal to buy International Edition textbooks in the United States?
Yes! It is perfectly legal to buy International Edition textbooks if you are a student in the United States and use them for your classes. You will notice that the publishers have printed the words “This International Student Edition is for use outside of the United States” on the front cover, but as ruled by the United States Supreme Court, it is legal to buy International Editions in the US. You can find many International Editions textbooks for sale on If you want to know if the book is an international edition, it will state “International Edition” in the book title on
Can I Sell Back My International Edition Textbooks?
Yes! You can sell back your International Edition textbooks. Mybookcart accepts International Edition textbooks for buyback. However, you need to make sure you are using the ISBN specific to the International Edition. The International Edition and the US Student Edition each have their own ISBN numbers. Make sure to type in the ISBN number that is printed directly on your textbook to ensure you receive the correct offer. Sell your International Edition textbooks to Mybookcart today!